
 The Best Places To Go Whale Watching In Juneau

Are you looking for the best places to go whale watching in Juneau? You’re in luck! Juneau is a great spot for whale watching. Whether it’s on a boat tour, kayaking or from the shoreline, there are plenty of ways to see whales up close and personal.

From the harbor to Mendenhall Glacier and Auke Bay, here are some of the best places to go whale watching in Juneau. Let’s take a look!

Whale Watching Boat Tours

With the sun rising over the horizon, hop on board for an unforgettable boat tour to spot majestic creatures breaching in their natural habitat!

Juneau offers a wide variety of whale watching boat tours that are sure to fulfill any traveler’s dreams. The selection of boats ranges from zodiac-style rafts to larger vessels with amenities such as heated cabins and open decks for optimal viewing.

On these tours, passengers have the chance to witness humpback whales engaging in playful behavior like tail-slapping and breach jumping. Captains and naturalists will also provide educational commentary about whale behavior throughout the journey.

You’ll be amazed at the sheer size of these animals and mesmerized by their gracefulness in the water! With so many incredible options available, you’ll be sure to find a boat tour that meets your needs for an unforgettable experience.

Kayaking is another great way to get up close with whales in Juneau…

Kayaking Tours

Choosing an experienced guide is essential for a successful kayaking tour. When selecting a guide, ask for references and reviews, and make sure they’re certified or licensed.

Before embarking on your journey, keep in mind the weather conditions, the tides, and the type of kayak you’ll be using. This will ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Choose an Experienced Guide

You want to make sure your whale-viewing experience is top-notch, so picking an experienced guide is key. An experienced guide will provide a level of expertise that can’t be found anywhere else – they know the best spots for viewing whales, what time of day to go out for optimal chances of spotting them, and what clothing essentials you’ll need.

In addition, they can also provide valuable insight into the local wildlife and habitats that you won’t find in any guidebook. When selecting a recommended guide for your whale watching tour, there are several factors to consider:

* Knowledge & Experience: Look for guides who have spent many years studying and exploring the area – their wealth of knowledge will give you unparalleled insight into the region’s ecology and wildlife.

* Safety & Security: Make sure your guide has all the necessary certifications and credentials required by law in order to ensure your safety during the tour. Additionally, inquire about any emergency procedures in case something goes wrong while out on the water.

* Professionalism & Passion: It’s important to choose an experienced guide who takes great pride in their work and loves connecting people with nature – after all, it’s their passion that makes them such a great resource!

An experienced guide should be able to provide you with a unique and unforgettable experience – one that you won’t soon forget! With these tips in mind, it’s easy to find a knowledgeable expert who can help make your excursion safe and enjoyable.

Things to Keep in Mind While Kayaking

Kayaking offers a unique way to explore the wonders of nature, so be sure to keep these tips in mind for an enjoyable and safe experience!

When it comes to safety precautions, make sure you select appropriate gear such as proper life jackets, helmets, and first aid kits. It’s also important to make sure that your kayak is properly maintained with no loose parts or sharp edges. Additionally, choosing the right paddles for your size and skill level can help ensure that you have a more comfortable experience out on the water.

When selecting your route, consider all possible hazards like strong currents and windy weather conditions. Be prepared with a plan B in case you need to change course unexpectedly.

Make sure you are aware of local regulations and wildlife viewing protocols before launching your vessel into the waters around Juneau.

With these simple tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared for an unforgettable excursion into Juneau’s shorelines!

Juneau’s Shorelines

If you’re looking for the best places to go whale watching in Juneau, then you’ve come to the right place!

From Sandy Beach and Auke Bay to Point Retreat, there are plenty of great shorelines that offer excellent opportunities to spot whales.

To maximize your chances of seeing these majestic creatures, be sure to arrive at low tide, wear a bright-colored jacket for visibility on the water, and bring binoculars or a telescope so you can get a closer look at the whales.

Areas to Look for Whales

Cruising ’round Juneau, you’re sure to see a fluke or two – the perfect spot for some aquatic viewing! If you’re looking for the best places to go whale watching in Juneau, there are certain areas that can yield particularly rich results.

For example, over by Auke Bay and Point Retreat have been known as great spots for observing whale behavior and dolphin watching. Here’s a few more tips to consider when seeking out whales:

* Look out from shoreline points such as False Outer Point, which is located near Auke Village Recreation Area.
* Be on the lookout around Angoon – it’s an area teeming with life!
* Don’t forget to check out Stephens Passage – humpback whales can often be spotted here.

Whether you choose one of these spots or find another location around Juneau, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience discovering these incredible creatures in their natural habitats!

Tips for Whale Watching on the Shore

Soak up the stunning views of Alaska’s coastline while you search for whales from the shore – it’s an experience you won’t forget!

To make your whale watching adventure a success, be prepared with binoculars and wildlife photography gear if you’re interested in capturing photos. Additionally, look for signs of whale activity such as water spouts and fins on the horizon. Make sure to respect any safety tips given by local experts or guides before heading out onto the shoreline.

Also, remember to wear plenty of sunscreen, bring snacks, and lots of water to stay hydrated throughout your journey. Be mindful of your surroundings; watch where you step and stay away from steep cliffs or slippery rocks that may cause injury.

Bring a friend or two along with you—it’s always more enjoyable when shared with others!

With these tips in mind, head out to Juneau Harbor for an unforgettable day spent whale watching from the shore.

Juneau Harbor

If you’re looking to catch a glimpse of majestic whales in the waters of Juneau Harbor, you’ve come to the right place!

There are several popular species of whales to see here, including humpback, gray, and minke.

Make sure to bring your binoculars and some snacks so you can get the most out of your whale watching experience.

You’ll be amazed at the majestic, glistening creatures you’ll see on your whale-spotting adventure in Juneau!

You have the chance to spot some of the most popular species of whales who migrate along Alaska’s coast, including humpback whales, gray whales, and killer whales. By understanding their migration patterns and behaviors, you can better position yourself for a successful viewing experience.

Looking out over the horizon or through binoculars, you may even catch a glimpse of orcas breaching or spy-hopping as they swim around Juneau Harbor.

Keep an eye out for fin whales too – these are one of the fastest marine mammals in existence and will surely make for an exciting sighting!

What to Bring With You

Now that you know which species of whales you might be able to see while whale watching in Juneau, it’s important to think about what to bring with you.

From clothing essentials to wildlife safety, making sure you are properly prepared is essential for a successful outing.

When planning on going whale watching in Juneau, make sure your outfit is both comfortable and appropriate for the weather conditions. Layering items such as a light jacket or sweater will ensure you stay warm when out on the water. Additionally, wearing closed-toe shoes or boots is recommended for added comfort and traction while moving around the boat deck.

Don’t forget sunscreen and sunglasses! It’s also helpful to have a hat or visor available as well as binoculars to better spot wildlife from afar.

Finally, it’s important to keep yourself safe by bringing items like life jackets if necessary and following all safety protocols onboard your vessel.

Mendenhall Glacier

You can easily reach the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska by car or taxi.

The best times of day to get the most out of your whale watching experience are early morning and late evening when the whales move closer to shore.

During these times, you’ll see pods of humpback whales up close and have a higher probability of seeing other types of marine life as well.

How to Reach the Glacier

By reaching the glacier, you’ll feel connected to a part of nature that’s been here for eons – no matter where you’re from.

Accessing Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau is relatively easy, and there are multiple ways to reach the area depending on your planning logistics.

The easiest way to get there is by taking a shuttle bus or taxi service from downtown Juneau. It’s only about a 15 minute drive away! If you would prefer to drive yourself, car rentals are available in town as well.

From the visitor center parking lot, it’s an easy hike up to Nugget Falls and the glacier itself.

Alternatively, if you want an even closer experience with nature, you can take one of many tour boats that go right up close-by!

Whichever route you choose for getting there, it will be worth your while when you finally lay eyes on this majestic glacier.

Best Times of Day to View the Whales

Seeing whales in Juneau is an unforgettable experience, and the perfect time to catch a glimpse of them is dependent on which type of whale you’re hoping to spot!

For example, if you’re looking for humpback whales, it’s best to head out in the morning when they’re most active. Adjust your binoculars and scan the horizon – you may be rewarded with a spectacular show as these majestic creatures breach the surface!

Conversely, if orca (aka killer) whales are more your style, heading out later in the day is ideal. Boaters should always maintain a respectful distance from any whale sightings and keep their engines running at low speeds. Doing so will help ensure that these gentle giants aren’t disturbed by your presence.

With this knowledge in hand, you’re sure to have an incredible whale watching experience in Juneau no matter when you decide to go!

Auke Bay

Welcome to Auke Bay, home of some of the best whale watching in Juneau! You can expect to see many species, including humpback whales, orcas and porpoises.

To ensure you get the most out of your experience, make sure you bring a camera, binoculars, and warm clothes. With these essentials in hand, you’re sure to have an incredible time whale watching at Auke Bay!

Juneau is home to an array of majestic whales, from orcas to humpbacks, so get ready for an unforgettable whale-spotting experience!

The most popular species of whales you can expect to see in the waters of Auke Bay are humpback and killer whales. Humpback whales are some of the most well-known species due to their fascinating behavior – they use a variety of communication sounds such as singing, clicking, and whistling – and their impressive leaping abilities.

Killer whales, on the other hand, have adapted hibernation cycles that allow them to survive in cold temperate regions like Juneau. It’s important to remember that these animals live in pods and often travel long distances throughout the year following food supplies.

However, if timed correctly you’ll be able to witness some incredible whale behavior during your visit to Auke Bay.

What to Bring With You

When whale-watching in Auke Bay, be sure to bring binoculars and a camera so you don’t miss capturing the incredible sight of humpback and killer whales breaching the waves like a symphony of synchronized swimmers!

Whether you’re a first-time whale watcher or an experienced enthusiast, having the right gear essentials will make your trip more enjoyable. Here are some must-haves for your trip:

* Sunscreen – Protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays with SPF 30 or higher.
* Hat – Bring along a wide-brimmed hat to shade your face from the sun.
* Waterproof Jacket – Temperatures on Auke Bay can get chilly, so pack a light waterproof jacket just in case.
* Binoculars – Being able to zoom into faraway wildlife helps even beginners understand animal behavior without getting too close.
* Camera – You never know when you’ll catch that once-in-a-lifetime shot of humpback whales breaching in unison!

These items will come in handy as you observe these majestic creatures swimming through their natural habitat. Plus, they help ensure that you stay comfortable while taking in all that nature has to offer!


You’ve just discovered the best places to go whale watching in Juneau! From boat tours, to kayaking tours, and even exploring the shorelines of Juneau, you have plenty of options for an amazing experience.

You can take in all of the majestic beauty that Juneau harbor has to offer, or explore Mendenhall Glacier from a different perspective.

And don’t forget Auke Bay – it’s truly a sight to behold! With these tips, your whale watching experience will be one for the ages.

So grab your binoculars and get ready for an adventure like no other – you won’t regret it! Let’s make this summer a whale-y good time with memories that will last a lifetime.


Olivia is a seasoned blogger with a flair for lifestyle and fashion. With over 6 years of experience, she shares her passion for the latest trends and styles, offering inspiration and guidance to her audience on all things lifestyle-related.

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