
The Benefits of Grow With Us Child Care

Not all parents realize that around 90% of a child’s brain development occurs before they enter kindergarten. It’s important for parents to encourage as much development as possible during the first five years of their children’s lives.

Enrolling them in Grow With Us child care for early childhood education and socialization is an excellent way to begin the process of raising intelligent, socially aware children. Read on to find out why early childhood education is so essential.

Develop Social Skills

Children who are at home all day are rarely exposed to adults or other kids outside of their own families, and when they do meet peers, it’s usually for short periods at parks or playgrounds. In an early education child care setting, kids learn how to interact with each other in healthy ways. They learn how to listen, share, express emotions, and establish other social skills that will help them in future years.

Set Kids Up for Success

Children enrolled in early education child care programs are 25% more likely than their peers who received care at home to graduate from high school, and they’re four times more likely to obtain bachelor’s degrees. These statistics show the results of the 35-year Abecedarian Early Intervention Project, designed with the intent of studying the impact of early childhood education. The study participants who received educational intervention at a young age were also healthier overall than their peers who did not.

Encourage Enthusiasm for Learning

The informal lessons offered at child care centers show kids fun and exciting ways to learn new things. They inspire a thirst for learning, discovery, and education that can be carried into grade school, setting kids up for academic success.

Develop Resilience

Early childhood educators and caregivers must work together to help children develop resilience early on. Child care centers create a fair, secure, and consistent social environment in which kids can develop the skills required to manage their actions and emotions. The clear expectations and consequences make it easier to learn first-hand about the direct impact of their actions, and educators are always on hand to help build a foundation for coping strategies.

Appreciation for Diversity

Adults who value diversity and respect other people’s opinions and backgrounds usually come from diverse environments, themselves. Sending a child to an early education center can introduce them to different people and cultures, making it easier to relate to others, accept differences, and become well-rounded participants in society.

Build Confidence

 This, in turn, can help young children develop a sense of self-esteem that can help them approach other, more complex situations confidently in future years, said experts from Unity Care, a nationally accredited youth and family agency. The organization maintains a strengths-based, focused, and culturally proficient approach to serving its clientele. The goal of Unity Care is to facilitate affordable, safe and stable housing for youth and young adults transitioning out of foster care. The organization provides support services to help its youth attain self-sufficiency and navigate the challenges of the transition.

Learn More Today

Are you already convinced that early childhood education is a worthwhile investment in a family’s future? It’s time to check availability at local learning centers and register for the programs that are best for your children.

Read More: WHO to Investigate Contaminated Syrups Responsible for Children’s Deaths.

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