
Where can I find Best EMR for Oncology?

EMR Software is used to make medical records accessible for patients anytime, anywhere. The software helps physicians and healthcare staff manage patient records more efficiently. It has many features such as computerized physician order entry, which saves and sends orders electronically. It also helps practitioners keep records of relevant health risk factors and prior diagnostic test results. It also helps save time by allowing quick retrieval of patient information. The website FindEMR helps doctors and healthcare professionals find the best EMR software for their needs.

What Makes iKnowMed EHR Best For Oncology Practices?

When it comes to choosing an oncology practice management system, choosing the right one can be difficult. The six systems below provide a solid starting point, but it’s crucial to understand the clinical needs and business strategy of your practice before deciding on a system. While these systems offer a range of capabilities, they can also be expensive, so it’s important to look beyond the price to the other aspects. Here are some of the key benefits to look for:


There are a number of benefits associated with using Cloud-based iKnowMed EHR. First and foremost, it’s flexible, with features that cater to practices of any size. Whether you run a solo practice or a large cancer care center, you’ll find iKnowMed’s Generation 2 to be an ideal fit.

The second-generation iKnowMed EHR is built by the same team that developed the award-winning iKnowMed Generation 1 EHR. It offers a highly customizable experience, as well as a user-friendly mobile environment. Moreover, it offers comprehensive point-of-care treatment decision support and is compatible with virtually any web-enabled device. In addition, this EHR has a number of customizable features that make it ideal for oncology practices.

Compatible with mobile devices

The use of an app can help oncologists make more informed decisions and increase their efficiency. It can also help clinicians reduce the number of interruptions during patient care by double-checking calculations and drug dosages. It can also help to adjust drug dosages for changes in the body weight of patients. In addition to these advantages, a mobile app can also contribute to a seamless patient experience.

With the use of an electronic health record, clinicians can easily and securely access data about their patients, including diagnosis and treatment plan. Moreover, mobile health applications are compatible with smartphones and tablets.

Integrated with McKesson’s suite of technology solutions

Integrated with McKesson’s suites of technology solutions for oncology practices, community-based oncologists can streamline the way they deliver cancer care. The new suite offers a comprehensive technology offering, as well as a variety of practice-management services.

The suite also includes McKesson’s iKnowMed EMR Electronic Health Record system and Lynx Mobile, a mobile-centric drug inventory management system. These systems communicate with each other automatically. This reduces the amount of time and administrative effort needed to submit data.

Designed specifically for oncologists

What makes it best EMR for Oncology?

iKnowMed is an electronic health record (EHR) system designed specifically for oncology practices. Its web-based platform gives oncologists 24-hour access to patient charts. It also has features to help oncologists manage cancer regimens, track treatment outcomes, and record their notes. It also helps to reduce errors that can occur with paper records.

It is designed to be user-friendly for clinicians and administrators, and it has a scalable architecture. IKnowMed EMR was developed by McKesson Specialty Health with input from over 200 oncologists. Its ease of use makes it a good choice for oncology practices. In addition to its user-friendly interface, it also features a dedicated nursing documentation log.

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about Praxis EMR vs Practice Mate: Which One Should You Choose? then visit our Health category.

Ava Green

Ava Green is a certified yoga instructor and holistic health coach with a passion for promoting mind-body wellness. With over 5 years of experience in the field, Ava has worked with clients of all ages and backgrounds to help them achieve greater balance and harmony in their lives. She is dedicated to helping people reduce stress, improve their mental health, and cultivate a deeper connection with their bodies through yoga, meditation, and other holistic practices. Ava has written extensively on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, and the benefits of yoga for overall health and well-being. Her mission is to inspire and empower others to live their best lives by embracing a holistic approach to health and wellness. When she's not teaching or writing, Ava enjoys hiking, cooking healthy meals, and spending time with her family.

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