
The Importance of Synthetic Data Generation in Clinical Trials

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has made it easier to generate synthetic data for clinical trials. Companies like Statice, OpenAI, and Bioconductor have developed datasets that can be used in synthetic research projects. These datasets can help innovators quickly prove their hypotheses and validate their ideas. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of synthetic data generation in clinical trials and how it can improve drug discovery and development.


For the purpose of generative models, we can make use of a library that supports the spawning of multiple data sets. For example, we can create a dataset that represents the distribution of the same feature in different data sets. For example, if we were to create a dataset about a certain type of car, we would spawn different cars with different colors and different materials. Similarly, we could use an OpenAI library to create a dataset with a different car model. This method requires considerable resources and a commitment to maintain the library.

The choice of data synthesis method should be based on the nature of the data and the purpose for which it will be used. It is essential to consult a domain expert or an expert in data synthesis before making a decision. The general aspects of data synthesis are computation, human labor, and system complexity. Information content is the type of information that is represented in the synthetic data. For example, if the data represents a database that contains data on the characteristics of a particular product, it should be classified into two types: generic and specialized.


Statice synthetic data generation is a privacy-compliant process that recreates the statistical properties of source data while maintaining the original value. This allows for highly accurate analyses of data and the creation of new datasets that are incredibly easy to integrate into data flows. As a result, data scientists can now confidently use data derived from synthetic experiments to improve their research. Unlike other methods of synthetic data generation, Statice uses anonymous synthetic data that is completely anonymous.

The data retention issue has been a growing concern in the European Union over the last decade. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) severely limits how long companies can store and use the data of individuals. Moreover, national laws often regulate data retention for certain types of data. While GDPR has made it easier for companies to store less personal data, some analyses require more time. For example, annual seasonality analyses require at least two years of data. With synthetic data generation, enterprises can comply with data retention laws while performing long-term analysis.

Statice’s Elise Devaux

Using Statice for synthetic data generation helps businesses double down on data-driven innovation without sacrificing the privacy of their customers. It is an end-to-end solution that lets you safely train machine learning models while safeguarding individual privacy. Statice also offers privacy evaluations to monitor the likelihood of information leakage. Its cloud-based platform is flexible and supports various data formats, including CSV files and database exports. And because Statice never shares data with third parties, you can train synthetic data models on any platform.

This solution is easy to use and integrate, allowing you to quickly get started. It also ties in a battery of statistical evaluations and is easy to share. Elise Devaux, Statice’s founder and CEO, says that synthetic data generation offers strong privacy guarantees compared to traditional de-identification and masking techniques. The solution is also quick and easy to deploy and requires just two hours of set-up time.

Statice’s Christoph Wehmeyer

Synthetic data generation requires learning a joint probability distribution from real data. These data are much more complex than simple datasets, making them ideal for deep learning models. The process can be as simple as generating a table with a few columns, or as complex as mapping dependencies between variables. For each type of data, there is a different model to use. Statice’s Christoph Wehmeyer discusses the best approach for synthetic data generation.

Statice’s OpenAI

While real data is important, it is expensive and limited in processing. Synthetic data is faster and much cheaper, and offers an environment that is more secure and private. Statice’s OpenAI for synthetic data generation embeds privacy-by-design into its synthetic data generation process. It also provides a privacy-preserving environment, which can be a major benefit to organizations with sensitive data. It also ensures that the data is not available to unauthorized third parties.

Several startups have developed tools and algorithms that improve the quality of synthetic data. Gretel, for example, has created synthetic data that is highly accurate. Synthetic data trained by AI models often come within a few percentage points of real data. Syntegra, a fellow synthetic data startup, has developed analytical frameworks to measure fidelity. Its research team is working on developing methods and algorithms to improve the accuracy of synthetic data.

Read More: Synthetic Data Generation


Olivia is a seasoned blogger with a flair for lifestyle and fashion. With over 6 years of experience, she shares her passion for the latest trends and styles, offering inspiration and guidance to her audience on all things lifestyle-related.

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